Why Modern Mending Offers Sewing Patterns For Plus Size

Plus size model wearing Modern Mending LOVE appliqué T-shirt

All through my fashion career I felt like I’ve been swimming against the tide. At university, I got interested in designing for plus sizes. When I mentioned it, I would often be encountered by snobbish looks of disdain from other people in the industry. Perhaps they were questioning my talent or true allegiance to the holy altar of fashion. King Karl, having been at it’s helm for the better part of the past 3 decades, has never been shy of making his views public on the subject of women’s sizes. To his fans, I warn you, the following text may contain traces of political correctness. I tried to ignore the sighs and stay focused on this newfound interest, which finally allowed me to find purpose in a craft I loved but seemed so superficial. It also forced me to look at my own prejudices towards what a stylish person should vs can look like.

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